dana 44 hub removal


Active Member
Mar 25, 2006
first time Ive tried to take apart the front hub and wheel bearings on my 77 fsj. got the hub apart but when I got to the point where I normally use my 4 prong axle nut socket. I found one with 5 or 6 small holes in it. does this require a different socket or is there another way to remove it. sorry no camera.
When I pulled mine apart, I just turned the axle over and let the knuckle fall and used gravity + magnets to pull it off the splines.
well got it off. It was the outside nut. It has 5 1/8" holes in it couldnt find any sort of spanner wrench in town to fit it. welded a picece of pipe to it but then broke the weld trying to turn it off. had to cut the hub to accses it. took my 4ft pipe wrench then had to bounce on that to get the nut off. second nut was the normal one that took the 4 prong socket. thanks prevoius owner/mechanic