Dana 44 Vacuum to a NON vacuum?


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
Anybody know if it's possible to convert a Dana 44 Waggy Driver Side Drop Vacuum disconnect to a NON vacuum disconnect?
yeah its very possible... the best way prob is to make a plate to cover the hole, and insert a non-disco axle shaft in there...

ive heard that theres a washer trick you can use that will engage the coupler all the time, if u wanted to go the cheap way out.
Awesome I'm really curious about this cause I know someone that is trying to sell there D44 and it is geared for what I want, has chevy flat top knuckles drilled and tapped for h steer, and never been turned for dirt cheap but the only thing wrong with it is that it has a vacuum disconnect and that WON'T work for the application that I need. I need a non vacuum disconnect. So any and all information I can get would be greatly appreciated... :bounce: