Day Labor?


Your atv ally
Nov 24, 2010
I've had a hard time finding help around the house. With all the hubbub about no work being out there, seems like no one wants to step up and do a little.

I need help with building a block retaining wall. Since nobody seems to want to help me, I was thinking of getting a day labor fellow. Anyone know if it's legal or safe to hire one from Home Depot or Lowes?

Also looking for a small concrete job. 30 x 40 slab, smooth of course. pay cahs, dont let them ride in your car and dont warry about it.

Thats how my old house crawl space got reinsulated
Are you wanting help to do it or somebody to do it for you because I know somebody that can do this out in midland.
I needed help today. Got it finished, isn't straight but it's standing. I was trying to get help doing the wall. Just wanted to learn a little. What I learned was: Let someone else do it!

These blocks are HEAVY! My neighbor came over and helped me do some shoveling. I called a few unemployed fellows, No answers. They didn't even answer the phone (must have heard I was wanting help). Even drove by Home Depot to get a day laborer, but nobody was there.

I've got 75 blocks left, maybe I'll try another wall and might be able to get it level this time.
Hate I missed the interest? I am experienced mason and always looking for side work. Have concrete mixer but tricky to mix mortar with it but possible. I live in Durham. Please PM for any further assistance / work. My rates can't be beat. Also have a bobcat / dump truck if any fill is needed.

I've got a fellow bringing in one of those big track loaders to pack down the 12 tri-axle loads of dirt being brought in. He told me he would bring his skidsteer too. I'm hoping to get some seat time in either one of them.

I got 100 block and 8 caps for $350. Hard part was getting it all home, trailer handled it very well. I don't know the name of the block, Cemex has the caps for sale. I'm assuming "drystack" means no mortor. Once the bottom level was down, I just stacked them up. I'd estimate them around 70 lbs or so. They look like the ones that you see holding up the side of Walmart/Lowes parking lots.
just make sure you have drainage figured out.
The idiot who did on at our house used dry stack, with no drain or flow through back fill and then plastic backed the damn goo rain and "The Walls came tumbling down...."
We put gravel under the block, got a load of gravel coming for backfill. Next project is culvert pipe by the road, no more weed trimming in the ditch!