Here's my thing...if someone told me I could stay at home, do some cooking and cleaning and put out every now and again, I would have smacked the person in the face with a shovel before they got the 'ity' out in 'equality'. I know, I know, I'm bigoted, sexist, misogynist...but I do believe they should have all the rights garnered since suffrage. I've said it before, I'll say it again...the 2 months I took off between jobs, I did everything domestically, and they were still the best 2 months of my life. I know adding kids would be a different dynamic too. I just don't know what they're fighting for, from what I can tell, men cooking and cleaning is an exponentially growing trend anyway...and women still want their free drinks and to play their damsel in distress game when it comes to flats or pickle jars. So this leads me to believe this goes back to wage inequality, to which I say, they get 80% of what men do, but are bat shit crazy 25% of the they're getting paid 5% more than they should (tongue in cheek).