Daylight Savings time

Funny mind trick, you are not gaining or loosing. Only 24 hours in a day.
Yea, I just lost an hour of sleep last night.
I love it, now it will be daylight when I get home from work.


BTW Jeff, you actually get 1 25 hour day and 1 23 hour day
Funny mind trick, you are not gaining or loosing. Only 24 hours in a day.

Yes and no.
IMO you are "gaining" an extra hour of usable time (daylight) in the evening.
At the expense of "losing" an hour sleep the first day. But yes still teh same amount of time - just better used now!

For me it's much harder to adjust on thsi end than it is in teh fall. The "short day" takes me about 36-48 hrs to adjust.
That long day is awesome, I'm loving it immediately :rolleyes:
"im lovin it!" To hell with all this cold weather short days and covered up ladies!
I LOVE daylight savings time! But when I woke up on the western edge of the eastern time zone this morning at 7:45 a.m. it was DARK!
I agree with the rest, I can't stand when the sun goes down at 530.

I hate darkness driving home after work.
and love the sun being up til 9 during the summer.

Jon, I experienced sorta what you're talking about on the eastern edge of the central time zone. Weird indeed to get used to.