Daytona Jeep Week…. Who knew??


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Burlington, NC
So the wife and I had to come to Daytona Beach for work. The closer we got the more Jeeps we saw. By the time we made it to the hotel we were in a sea of angry eyed mall crawlers with some brodozers sprinkled in. There were some legit rigs around but for the most part man what a show of bolt on madness. After a day of this the bill of my hat started to flatten itself out…. Not on my watch! Well this is where we found out this was Jeep week and fortunately for us Sunday was the last day. Now the beach is deserted and quite. I guess Daytona has a “week” for every occasion.

So has anyone heard of Jeep week?
It's one of the biggest industry events of the year.
200,000 visitors this year.

This is where the sport is headed. Destination events and no/little actual wheeling. Gotta look cool for the gram.

My buddy Marvin (owner of Flex Rocks and Rollovers) moved earth, sky and mountains to have his rig ready on time (after a big rollover and blowing an engine up) as it was absolutely not fathomable to miss it. Too much money is hinging on this event.
Well if he’s not done then he missed it as yesterday was the last day. If I’d of known this was going on I might have brought the XJ to it.
Well if he’s not done then he missed it as yesterday was the last day. If I’d of known this was going on I might have brought the XJ to it.
He was there on time, with the Juicy Motorsports LJ (built by WOD).
They were under the BFG booth for ta while then at the Spiderweb Shade Tikki party, amongts other hardcore trails (\o/).

This is where the sport is headed. Destination events and no/little actual wheeling. Gotta look cool for the gram.
see 336Jeep FB groups (sponsored by outlaw offorad and ducks everyFNwhere)
Yea its been going on for a while now. I was told it was a party.
That would uh, elicit a response...
And depending on it you would get kicked out of the park in a hurry.
A 200 people paying each $75 for the weekend are no match for your response, as justified it may be.

Some hills are not worth dying on.

On the other hand, if you can make fun of them and hurt their feelings, more power to ya. I can't.
On the other hand, if you can make fun of them and hurt their feelings, more power to ya. I can't.
A suppressed 22 round from a single shot savage rifle from inside an RV can hurt feelings as well as destroy a head unit blasting Lil Troy on repeat at 2am.
Unfortunately I took the AR that weekend and not the savage or ole Tennessee Whiskey buggy would of had some fuuuucked up electronics
Yea its been going on for a while now. I was told it was a party.
I will never understand the desire to go to crowded events like that.
Search #jeepbeach or what ever the current hash tag is.
My brother that lives in FL has been many times. They do have some obstacle course type stuff that the mall crawlers get out on. They often break stuff just not knowing how to drive. I’ve had some cringe worthy pictures and videos sent to me from him I found very entertaining:lol:
I'm a pervert I just like to see women in bikinis on Jeeps....
I can say the term bikini doesn’t necessarily apply to some of the suits we saw. I think three postage stamps and fishing line would have covered more. Mind you I certainly didn’t mind one bit. You gotta love it when the wife says “hey babe check that one out”! Gotta love that woman, encourages all my bad habits and makes sure I done miss any streakers. I do have to be cautious as she does throw in the occasional suit the requires me to use eye bleach. Then laughs herself right out of the car.:lol: