[Dec 16, 2012] URE 12 16 12 (URE)


Dr 'Dre
Feb 10, 2008
Kings Mountain
In for two rigs. Pinky xj and myself are going to hit it for the last time this season.

Your results may vary and include a vaginal itch.
Monistat 7 may decrease these symptoms.
Lol see ya there hommie!
we may try to:come down. the rig is broke. so may bring the dd. just not sure if its too soon since surgery
Got both traps ready, gonna load em tomorrow.
Time to ride.
I'll be there in the morning. Red TJ on 35s and tan soft doors. Going to be at outpost between 9 and 10

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Ill be there in the am!
Be there late sat/early Sunday.
My posse is meeting at Dutch John trailhead, 9 am.
Saw some carnage out there today. Two different rigs missing one or more front tires.

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