Buying tool boxes off the tools trucks is horse trading at it's finest. NEVER pay retail for the box off the truck.
I bought a USED Snap-on roll chest for $1700, box was 2 years old, previous owner had kept it covered since new, only pulled the cover to remove tools for the day and reload at end of day. Box retailed for $4500 (what it cost him new) he traded it on another Matco new box (got $1500 trade in
I kept that box for about 6mo, asked the MAC dealer what he would give me on trade for a Macsimizer he had on his truck. He offered $3750 trade in, retail on his box at the time was $5800 was on special for $4800.
So, for $2750 I had a NEW MAC box for half the retail price. THey have a mark up they are supposed to keep, some guys wanna move the goods, so they will wheel and deal. My Snap-on box was on the truck the next week for $1000, and he was mumbling that he'd hurt himself on the deal. All I did was ask a question, he's the one who figured the numbers.
Look on the trucks, sometimes you can find smokin deals on used boxes, occasionally they even have repo's.
Personal opinion, I think the Macsimizer series is better built than most boxes it's size at this time. weights 750lbs empty (no tools), Top drawer is big enough that Rich could sleep in it, comfortably.