diapers for dogs


no shirt,no shoes,no dice
Mar 24, 2005
one of our puppies is really showing her age (almost 15yrs), and someone suggested diapers. At first I thought they were kidding, but a google search shows petsmart, etc sell them. Our dog will drop a few :poop: nuggets right after she comes in, or maybe just unload her bladder randomly. She seems healthy for her age...eats, drinks, sleeps fine, kind of struggles with bad rear legs walking and getting up is sometimes difficult. Mentally, she is getting senile and disoriented sometimes, defintley can't see or hear well at all. I think the end is near, but putting her in diapers might prolong the inevitable.
Has anyone used doggie diapers? Wouldnt dogsh!t get smeared all over the fur? and it seems like piss would get everywhere too.
My college room mate used them on his girlfriends dog, pee doesn't go everywhere they are pretty good at absorbing it, just the same as a baby's diaper, just with a hairy butt. Changing the diaper and wiping off the dog's butt was easier than shampooing the carpet and mopping the floor.
Dog diapers are just like the kids except for a hole for the tail. They charge a LOT for that hole! I did diapers when my rescue was in heat a couple of months ago, used one package of dog and switched to onesies :) Last time I would do that, she's fixed now!
One of our large dogs has recently developed issues peeing when she lays down or sleeps on the floor. We bought some liquid absorbing, washable dog mats to lay on her bedding and they work great for keeping stains and urine off the carpet. It won't work if your dog does it's business while moving about the house though. I wish you well w this problem, I know it's heartbreaking to see a good ol dog age ungracefully.
I go through this, of course mine is diabetic. I tried the diapers but they do leak (hard for me to put on secure), I just lay pee pads down where she lays with a blanket over it...

Good luck, I know how hard it is....Mine keeps me very busy but I will do whatever it takes to help her, as long as I know she is not suffering.
bought a small pack of size 5 kid diapers, cut a tail hole, and put it on her, then left for the evening. The fit wasnt that great, she slid out of it at some point. Luckily there was no mess to be found, just the clean diaper with the tabs still fastened. We might try some pullups, or maybe buy the real doggie diapers.