Did I just screw up?


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
I didn't realize the vibration dampener on my AMC 360 was 2 piece. Apparently I was using the wrong puller( the only one I have) and it separated.

1. Did I just add cost to my build?
2. Can you still get the rubber ring that goes between them?


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Did a bit of searching. Basically $100 for a new / rebuilt one.

Found the rubber gasket for $12. Is this not something a machine shop can put back together for me?

I wouldn't attempt it myself. Between balance and timing mark... NO THANKS!
It'll cost three times that in parts and labor to reuse it. Don't take the chance and consider it insurance, juist likwe replacing the oil pump on the bottom end when you gotr it apart no matter how good the previous pressure was.
Today is turning into an expensive disassembly lesson.

Can you replace a single piston?


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Ive been told you can but ya can end up with same problem that ya have out of another piston, I just done a rebuild on 350 and had to go back and replace parts i thought would be ok after it was all back together... I figured out if im questioning its dependability then replace it and you wont have the worry about something failing! Good luck
remember the rings is what makes all the contact, like quickracer said unless you need a balance blueprint assymbly one piston is good as another. You'd have less trouble out of the new one due to wrist pin bushing wear and such. Unlees the others are grossly wore from piston slap or pitted up I'd clean all the ring grooves check the wristpin wear and slap a new one in the mix and keep truckin.