Good topic, I am gonna stray a bit, but I am curious. I saw a sign yesterday at a fuel place that said "we now offer Biodiesel" The were selling it foe $3.38 a gallon. Now a week or two ago I watched an episode of "Trucks" where Stacy had this kit to measure/mix/drain and so on, biodiesel to be put right in the tanks you are running now. It was a good show. I looked it up the kit is like $2999.00 !!!
But if a couple of guys went in together a bought one it would pay for it's self in a short time. And with around $.70 a gallon invested (not counting the cost of the kit)seems to be a good deal.
Why are more not doing this?
Could you not research it and get into it cheaper than $2999. with a do it yourself with info from the net??
I don't even have a diesel truck, but seems like the way to go if it was me.
Making biodiesel is great if you have the time. I built a processing system that could make 40 gallons a day. I ran a few tanks and realized I just didn't have time to deal with it.
Collecting the waste oil is slow. I tried several different collection pump setups and the best I could do was an hour to collect about 100 gallons (usually much worse in winter). Then the oil has to be dried either by letting it sit and only using the oil on the top, or heating the oil (heating 40 or 50 gallons of oil takes a while).
The oil has to be tested to ensure it is completely reacted. The Lye and methanol has to be mixed (you also spend time sourcing these two ingredients). The ingredients have to stay warm and mix for a period of time I usually mixed for 2 hours. The mix has to settle for hours, then the biodiesel portion has to be washed to remove unreacted lye and methanol, then warmed again to remove the wash water. If you don't do all of these steps you run the risk of leaving impurities in the fuel.
Also, I got about 11 MPG with bio and 15 to 17 with regular diesel. So, with the decreased mileage and the time put into making a gallon, the bio costs more (to me anyway).
I'm buying diesel now for $3.40 a gallon. At 16 MPG, it costs me $0.21 to drive 1 mile. With the time it takes to make bio diesel, I have about $2.55 per gallon in it ($0.80 materials, $1.75 time). At 11 MPG, it costs me $0.23 to drive 1 mile.
By the way. The fuel meister costs way too much. You can build a better system for half the cost.