digital camera suggestions


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
I absolutely love my Powershot A75.... only takes a coupla seconds, max in very dark conditions..
I have done a lot of research on digital cameras, stick with Canon. :)

As far as speed in low-light conditions......I really have no idea. :(
Mikey said:
problem is, I have a canon that I love but its drawback is low light conditions which I read the same about the a70 and a75. the 85 and 95 seem to have adressed this, but im very skeptical.

See the body mount picture in the truck gallery? That was basically dark under there. Took ~3 seconds to shoot the focus assist beam, focus, and fire. The flash charges immediately after each picture.
I just got an Olympus C60 6.1 MP for $300 at Circut City