"Dinner with Friends" to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Durham and Wake

Edited the OP to add that this 'event' is next Tuesday, March 5, 2019!
Not sure if anyone did this yesterday, but we went to the Alpaca at brier creek for supper. Got in line, then told my wife, "Let me make sure they know about this event and that proceeds are definitely going to support RMH."

No one there knew anything about it. The GM was there, who also knew nothing about it. I pulled it up on my phone, showed him the "Dinner with Friends" website and that Alpaca was supposed to be participating. He made some phone calls while we enjoyed our supper. After making some calls, he informed me that a portion of proceeds WOULD benefit RMH, even though he believes there was a communication breakdown along the way. :confused:

Did anyone else participate? Anyone else confirm the benefits?