Dipstick tube broke off

Ray VanBuren

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
Is there any way to remove the dipstick tbe from inside the block without removing the oil pan?
You can *TRY* threading a tap into it and then pull the tap.

Use the smallest tap that will still cut some thread, so you don't spread the tube any more than you have to.

If you have a collet adapter or the adapter to put visegrips on a slaphammer, it helps.

All this is *assuming* you have the clearence to get in there with the slaphammer.

If not - patience and the visegrips - if you get any movement at all, keep at.

Another route is, use a rollpin punch and knock it down into the pan, then fish it out through the drainplug hole with a magnet. Use this as a last resort, if the next step is pulling the pan anyway.... What do you have to loose.

Got it out today. I got to thinking about the tool used to get the snap ring off so steering wheel could be removed, and this gave me an idea for a removal tool. I welded a self tapping screw to the end of a 12" threaded rod about 3/87th" diameter. Then I threaded a nut down to the weld and tacked it in place. I then threaded everything into the broke off tube and tightened it down with the nut I tacked on. I slipped 2 1/2" dr large deep well sockets over the rod(open end towards block). I slid a fender washer over the rod followed by another nut. I then proceeded to tighten down the last nut and pulled the tube right out.
After I broke the second dipstick tube I brazed a bracket to it and bolted it threw a valve cover bolt.