I don't think so on the royalties since I'm not making any money off the music, and about everyone plays it anywhere you go and I don't know of any of em paying royalties (course that doesn't mean they arn't supposed to)
I mean in all honesty I'm after a majority of rock - newer stuff, with a slight mix of older rock, little bit of country, and little bit of rap. Would really like to figure out where to get a hold of the scratch n sniff music (snsmix.com play sat nights on 106.5) cause that's perfect.
I'm looking to appeal to the younger/more aggressive/extreme/party crowd to be honest. If it just came out on the radio I wanna make sure I've got it kinda deal.
Ideally if i had someone to help me during the events I'd like to have just a generic play list and somebody at the soundboard to hit something real aggressive like disturbed or saliva when a competitor goes to make a pass or make there run or w/e. And then at night events make the play-list lean a little (not a lot) more towards rap.
Problem is if I'm announcing and walking around filming (yea haven't announced that yet but 4x4cross is about to be your NC extreme, straight up sick, wide open, off-road event DVD coverage series of the year) I can't do the DJ'ing and all that. My little bro helps me out a lot but he has no motivation to do any of this kinda stuff, he mainly does it cause he's my brother I can't really count on anyone else, plus I pretty much finance and fix everything on his truck in exchange for his help.
At the last few events I have been playing just the radio, which kinda sucks when commercials come on plus its not a good variety . . . . I wonder If i got some type of digital recording program on the computer and somehow got the radio hooked into it that would be a lot easier . . . . course that's probably illegal too and would still be moderately time consuming