DMV-inspection station..........Nightmare for them


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2009
Like some, I get really aggravated with the DMV and inspection guys. I can't count how many times they threatened to fail me for older but working wiper blades and tires close to the wear bar...Coincidentally they sell both for inflated prices if you want to pass the inspection.

I have gotten tired of filling my avalanches gas tank so I decided to turn my little stump jumper into a daily driver.:D
It has been wrecked on one side, has windows that won't roll up or down, is missing the rear portion of the soft top, no door or trunk panels and numerous other issues.
All the lights work, it has seat belt for driver, rearview mirror that fell off when the inspector adjusted it, no check engine lights and brand new mudder re-treads....and I just got it tagged:smokin:

retreads were for off road at 35 a piece. I hope they hold up to 45-55 mph speeds.


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I think your DD looks just as good or better than mine.

Don't have any inspection horror stories, just some pain in the ass dealings with the tag office.
Your rig looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than what I am about to attempt I'm another month or two. And I have every expectation of arguing my way to passing.