Do people still get the flu?


Mall Crawling Race Rig
Oct 31, 2008
Mountain Island
Uh, apparently yes. And even after the season.

Looks like I'm the last official case of the season. Wow, I've had a fever for 5 days, spiking at 103.5, which was absolutely miserable. I'm down to just 99 today, but good grief it's energy sapping. I'm down 5lbs since the beginning of the week as well.

I can't recall really ever testing positive for the flu before this time, and have also never had a flu shot. Guess I'll be getting them moving forward.

Anyone else battle the flu this year? Got a comfort food suggestion besides Jack Daniels?
There's been everything from stomach viruses to lymphatic infections floating about where I work but no flu. I've been plagued with ear infections like never before. Sucks.
We came back from Barcelona March 13 and got it a few days later. I blame the airplane.

Wife had a 103 temperature in 48 hours before we got Tamiflu called in. I got it 12 hours later. She was sick for 6 days and I nipped it in the bud in 4. It would drop my temperature from 102 to 96.6 in about an hour.

Ended up being over $130 per 5 day dosage.

Comfort food:
Grilled cheese
Tomato bisque
Peanut butter crackers
Carraba's style Italian bread and olive oil /pesto mix

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Davie County Chicken Stew with Crushed red pepper for supper, Three tablespoons of spring honey, teaspoon of cinnamon, with half cup of pure "white" for the symptoms.....hope you feel better, btw that crap is strong syrup.
Glad to hear you're on the mend, Jay.

Get the shot. The flu can kill you.
Never had the flu. First flu shot was when baby #1 rolled around at 30 something. Still no flu.

It sounds awful and I'm sure I'll have to pay the piper one day. Till then I'll enjoy the sporadic bout with the sniffles.

For standard cold like symptoms (when wife gets it and starts doing that thing) I'll boil ginger slices (heavy on the ginger) with cayane (super good for you) and lemon juice. Add honey when you take off the heat. Make a couple quarts. Have a cup or two and roll the next day w a chilled quart. That will aleviate most anything other than that $hit that killed elvis.
Me and the wife had it a few weeks ago and it was rough as hell. Took me about 10 days to be back at 100% but the wife still has a little cough but feels fine. Never had a flu shot and never will I'll take my chances.
I've taken flu shots, since the fist year they came available. Probably been 90-95% effective. Never had any reaction either! A month ago, I did get a sinus infection; thought it was a cold, so waited out the first week. Then hit the Urgent Care; took 2 visits & 2 different antibiotics, to clear it. Yesterday, I think I had a 12-24 hour stomach bug. That seems to have passed today, along with a lot of :poop:! A lot Of STUFF, is Still making it's rounds! :mad:
The flu is now a warm bug thanks to the H1N1 strain. I run a lab that tests for the flu and labs now test year round. I do advise getting the flu shot every year because it'll be that much easier on you. You keep restistance from previous year shots too. I most likely got the H1N1 strain last year and spread it to 2 employees before we were all told to go home. I had the sniffles but felt fine. Same with the other 2 employees. A few months ago one of my techs said she was feeling a little run down and nose running. she was positive for a Flu A strain also. She also didn't want to go home. For me it was a few days off to get stuff done at home. I was able to get some rogue trees cut down and cleared. However, when I see you guys come in, never had the shot, You look pretty rough. The flu has a nasty habit of killing seniors.
Twice in the past 6 years. First one knocked me down for three days. Took three months to feel normal again. Last one hit last year on thanksgiving wasn't as bad and caught up on Netflix