Does dumb music make dumb people, or do dumb people like dumb music? (SAT score/music graph)


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Of course this won't match up, and everyone on here listens to the emptiness in the far right column like I do. But its interesting to look at and make suppositions anyway. I must say, a lot of it matches up with people I went to school with and work with.
<and for you youngins with your 2400 point SAT, the SAT used to only go to 1600, so multiply your score by 0.67 to figure out what you should listen to on hipster radio>
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Its an interesting chart. I wouldve thought Classical music would be further to the right.
While this graph may have scientific data to back it up, there are still far to many variables not present to consider it solid. One factor is the age of each participant and another being what environment each participant grew up in. There's so much science behind music and brain function it simply cannot be displayed on a chart. You can say that higher IQ or SAT scores would determine what music one would listen to and it can also work in reverse. The music choice can and will effect ones IQ and or SAT score. Much like a particular enviorment, music and music culture can have a huge influence on ones will and direction in life. If you pay attention you can see it all around us and in every culture in America and even the world. Country, rap, rock and other televised garbage tends to breed ignorance, poor life choices and alcohol/drug dependencies. The age of free thinking and individuality is over. We are but a government ran science project gone wrong. Hate away..
The funny thing is, when I took the SATs, Counting Crows and Ben Folds 5 were two of my favorite bands, and they are right there with my score at the time.

According to that graph, I apparently have gotten dumber as I have aged. :lol:
While I don't agree with the chart, I am impressed that Relient K is on there.

I must not be very smart though as I have no idea who Sufjan Stevens is.
While I don't agree with the chart, I am impressed that Relient K is on there.

I must not be very smart though as I have no idea who Sufjan Stevens is.

Indie artist, heavy instrumentation... these two came to mind:

Interesting and kinda funny... I can't remember exactly, but I'm certain I'm supposed to be listening to a lot of nothing. Who the heck listens to Guster? At least the Counting Crows are on the right... Adam Duritz and I had a thing once. :lol:
I've never been a big fan of Beethoven.
And while many here may doubt it I took the SAT exactly 1 time and scored a 1370.

My musical taste of the time seems to suggest a 1,000 would have been more appropriate.
actual score: 1250........... chart score............. 1050ish, based on the ones i had heard of back then

edit: the ones the suggest within 50 points of my score, are actually my LEAST favorites of all those listed..... chart seems to be the 100% total opposite of my experience.


nuff said.
Indie artist, heavy instrumentation... these two came to mind:

And this:

A lot of his stuff will make you take a fistful of vicodin and slit your wrists, though.
Dumb research studies make dumb posts on interweb forums


Im struck by a study I rad once in college.
Basically they took untrained, completely undomesticated monkeys (I think orengutangs..and I know that is spelled wrong...but maybe another species) and they basically starved the things and put them in a pen that was cramped but very tall.

Then they started playing different kinds of music and guaged their reaction. Classic music made them sleep, Pink FLoyd made them look confused, country caused no reaction, heavy metal made them cover their ears, and rap made them "thrash about violently and attack each other" The philosophy teacher read this to us and asked us to write a paper giving our thoughts on what this revealed. A poor attempt to out the racists I suppose. But a good friend of mine meekly asked who the rap artist was. The professor replied it was Dr Dre. My buddy wrote a paper that even untrained monkeys knew east coast rap was better than west coast and dropped the class that day. I hung on through the semester and wished I never had.