Does this seem weird to anyone else?

No idea what that is. But I've also seen my share of wierd things in the sky.
I was at the beach when I saw it, there's really no way to describe it unless I was talking person-to-person with you.
But it was kinda like a ball of orange light that was going across the sky in front of me. It had a tail, kinda like the ones in the video above, that would slowly fade, and it would move at a South West direction across the sky.
It would go down some, come into a ball and disappear, reappear again and start moving downward again. It repeated this several times then went away.
i don't care what they are, if they are aliens,i'm cool with it as long as they don't mess with my dinner.

They just better not take my hotdog I bought from Your Hotdog Guy.
IF they do.....expect hell to rise.
Doesn't matter what they are to me. I have my foil hat & some bacon. Fawkem...
not even a good hoax.
any one with 3 parachute flares and a roll of duct tape can reproduce this.
