Does this soud like a scam?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
This is no joke.
I was hoping freight would be a little cheaper:)
You can send it to my Jetcarrier adress.

JetCarrier 16835
Att:peter Kvande
601 W Linden Ave Suite 16835
Linden, NJ 07036

But Then I will need a recipt from you. Can you make one for 150$ and send it to me on E-mail and make a written one and put with the turbo? This is ony so I dont have to pay to much tax for the turbo. Tax in Norway is 25%!!

Find out how much shipping is to my jetcarrier adress and I will paypal you the money.

Peter R Kvande

Message I Sent...........
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Is this a joke or somthing?? the Item weight is 50 lbs, and just regular ground is going to cost you 462.27!!!!!!

please reply back
thanks josh

[FONT=arial,helvetica]This doesn't seem right why would someone pay more for shipping than the turbo Costs?????

Soooo... let me get this right.
You're selling a turbo, this guy is buying it. He's in Norway?
I'm assuming the price listed was shipped to him directly, and he's asking instead to ship it to a shipper in NJ. Correct?

If your concern is that he's asking for a receipt for less than teh actual amount, that's pretty common. He dosn't want to have to pay the Noway fed an extra few hundred $$ on the import rate.

As for how much he's willing to pay - there's no telling. Maybe he's got alot of $$ and, more importantly, he just can't get it anywhere else nearby. Also consider the value of an american dollar is about 60% the value of his own local money. We have soem friends that come over from the UK every now and again, and they buy everything they can... b/c it's all 1/2 price for them...
I do know we do a ton of business with some US embassies at work and we ship all their parts to Linden NJ for export.

Also our overseas customers will often pay more for a used item than new because used "industrial equipment" pays improt tariff/duty, no tax and no commodity charge while new does.

We have one repeat customer who buys generators that have beeen in rental fleet for 1 year service for a couple grand more than we sell them brand new just because of these fees.