donating a testicle?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Fairfax City, VA
sooo I heard a rumor the other day (emphasis on rumor) that you could get 80 grand for donating a testicle to Duke for research.
First thought: hell no!
Second thought... after a few minutes.. and another beer: I mean I have two, and could probably get a fake put in
Third thought: Exige S is only $65000 which leaves money left over for my truck... hmmm sounding kinda good.

If it was true... would you?
My stomach is starting to ache. It started low and now the pain is slowly creeping up my guts, into my my chest now..
For $80K? Sure. I'd do it as mine are ornamental only now anyways. As long as they give me a neudicle so my balance isn't thrown off, I'd be in.
if you could sell organs i'd already have two less testivles, no kidkey, and no... whatever else is useless...
I asked my insurance agent if losing a pinkey counted as dismemberment and I did it with a straight face. I still have both pinkey fingers.:(
how much are testivles worth? plus, kidkey's aren't useless organs.

Wanna buy a spleen? How 'bout an appendix? I've got one right here, fresh and pink!

Hmm...testicle donation. For $80k, I could probably buy one or two of those things I've said "I'd give my left nutt" for! Unfortunately, I'm married now. She's got both of 'em locked up. How much will they give me for the rest of the junk, though? It's not like I get to use it anymore!
I was thinking it was more along the lines of 6k. But that is also just a rumor. If I could sell them then both of mine would be gone....they get me into trouble.
if you add up the balance of tax credits, food stamps, wik checks, medicaid, and general welfare....there are alot of dudes out there whose nuts have earned them more than 80k in a relatively short time, and they get to keep them both.

wait a minute...i'm paying for that
I actually researched this is college. Called duke and a lot of other hospitals trying to find out info. Its just not true imho. I mean think about it.......if it was true there would be no homeless people with balls.
if you could sell organs i'd already have two less testivles, no kidkey, and no... whatever else is useless...

nobody wants your damn liver thats for sure:fuck-you: that tax deductible or does the IRS get 30% percent of my testicle, they already have my arm and leg!!!!!
It is fake. Although one of the local colleges has been advertising for female eggs. I wanted to say 10K each but just a guess.

Yes, some places will indeed take eggs. That is legal b/c it's not considered an organ and is replinishable.
They pay a lot b/c the procedure is very uncomfortable. Not something taken lightly. And b/c, well, some people have issues w/ eggs and what they, er, "could" be.
I donated one to cancer & all I got was a free haircut for!!

(I really did need a vacation anyway)