Donations for Snappy


Phillip Talton
Mar 30, 2010
Trinity, NC
Most of you know by now that Snappy has lost his son Mason this week.

Snappy is one of the OG people around here. His hobbies changed over the years but we haven’t forgotten him and his impact on all of us. Let’s rally around him as a community and brotherhood during this time.

@BigClay works in finance and has setup a bank account linked to PayPal. Some funds were already sent to me but I will transfer this over now.

At the get together next weekend I will also have a bucket to take up an offering for him.

Pay Clay Whiteheart using PayPal.Me
Thanks for creating this thread Phillip. The link above will work as well as searching PayPal for /ForSnappy

If you don't have Paypal and want to donate, shoot me a PM and we can discuss other options.

On a related note, I did a little research and doing donations this way will give 100% of the donations to Snappy and not lose anything to fees.
Bumping this back up. Let’s help Snappy out!
Everyone has been very generous. We should all be proud to be part of this community.

If you are on the fence about donating, I assure you every dollar is going to Snappy, currently there are no fees or anything like that; if that happens, myself and a couple others have already pledged to cover those so Snappy gets everything people have donated.
From the other thread:

I would like to let everyone know that thru PayPal we raised $2,380 and $495 from tshirts $1,734 in the bucket

Grand total was $4,609!!!!

All of you are amazing!! Snappy reaches out to me today to tell me that he was completely and utterly overwhelmed with the support from this community.

I really cant put into words the generosity of this group. I am beyond proud to know you guys (and gals).
Money is now with Snappy.

Thanks again to the generosity of the NC4x4 community, it was truly amazing to me. We had donation amounts from $5.00 to $500.00 and I am proud to say every last penny made it to Snappy.

You guys (and gals) rock! :rockon:
Thanks everyone, WE are so greatful.