I knew it was a friend of yours I just had a brain fart. -

I have since made a super long winch control cable so it gets her completely out of the way when she is running the winch. I doubt I could find another one like her if she gets smushed.
Good wishes and I hope for a speedy recovery for your friend maybe his suffering will serve as a reminder to us all to try and stay one step ahead of a sketchy situation
Meant to take a picture, but I took Joe fishing in his wheelchair yesterday. Rolled him out on the dock, put a rod in his hand and procceded to skunk him. It really didnt matter, I think it was a pretty good day to be out of the house and enjoying the weather. Then we went to a cool little Mexican joint in Harrisburg and had some tacos and cold drinks out on the patio.
Oh, he is good. He is sitting on the couch rubbing his full belly where I fed him grilled steaks tonight. 1 surgery down, 1 to go.

Loving the Whelen Air Horn... Dogs dog like it much though!
good info man I was telling my daughter about trailer safety sunday she wanted to stand in the bed of the hauler while i was unloading my rig and i told her to always stand way clear and in the sight line of the person doing the loading or unloading, sorry this happened to your friend man but i will show her this thread to solidify my point, thanks nctom
Is that a chest or trach tube?

That's a 20 gauge IV catheter.

I hope your friend has a fast and easy recovery. There's no doubt he still has a reason to be here. Too many times I have seen things happen because somebody was in the wrong place at the wrong time, both at work on calls and in my off time. I'm glad for your friend and you that he came out with only a leg injury. I recently added a wheel stop bar to my trailer because I had a truck almost go off the front. I can't believe Kaufman of all people would build a trailer without one.
Solar... In this case, a tire stop would not have helped. With 40 inch tires and backing up a steep drive way, it would have jumped it. The ratchet buckle came apart on a 10K strap that was in good visual condition. Keeper Corp. has the strap to study the failure. They were quite concerned, to say the least. (Scout weighs 3300 pounds) It should have had 2 straps on it, but we were just begining the loading process and decided to back up on to the flat part of the driveway and get the tow truck out of the road. (We were using gravity to load it down the hill). The retention pin through the strap roller sheared. The frame of the ratchet contorted and the roller came out and released the strap. It was in a straight line pull and the strap was always used that way. Freak thing. I would buy another Keeper product today, they make good stuff. I am not throwing them under the bus.
Wow, that's crazy! I hope for a speedy recovery!

Sent from my microwave using a teleportation device.
Solar... In this case, a tire stop would not have helped. With 40 inch tires and backing up a steep drive way, it would have jumped it. The ratchet buckle came apart on a 10K strap that was in good visual condition. Keeper Corp. has the strap to study the failure. They were quite concerned, to say the least. (Scout weighs 3300 pounds) It should have had 2 straps on it, but we were just begining the loading process and decided to back up on to the flat part of the driveway and get the tow truck out of the road. (We were using gravity to load it down the hill). The retention pin through the strap roller sheared. The frame of the ratchet contorted and the roller came out and released the strap. It was in a straight line pull and the strap was always used that way. Freak thing. I would buy another Keeper product today, they make good stuff. I am not throwing them under the bus.

Glad to hear your friend is doing well. This should be a lesson to us all. Plan for the worst case senario and when it doesn't happen it is a good day.
Yup.. All he was doing was quickly jumping from one side to the other... Inbetween the 2 trucks. He was maybe there for 2-3 seconds when it poped.