dougboy is on the move!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Middlesex, NC


RALEIGH, N.C. -- Investigators are trying to sort out what happened in an accident in downtown Raleigh Sunday morning when a truckload of rocks fell on two parked cars.
Witnesses said the truck driver apparently blew a tire when he drove around a curve and tipped over at the intersection of St. Mary's and Hillsborough streets shortly before 11:20 a.m. Investigators, however, are still trying to determine what exactly happened.
"We were in church right around the corner when it happened," said Barry Bridges, the owner of the car. "We walked out and saw a lot of police cars."
Bridges said that as he got closer, he realized it was his car.

"It's quite a mess," he said, adding that he will probably have to ride his bicycle for a while.

Charges are pending in the case. There were no reports of injuries.

:bounce2: :bounce: :driver: :huggy:

Those are not rocks you numnuts. Look closer. Thats pieces of cement with rebar sticking out. THATS GAY:gay: I found REAL rocks and they are bigger than the biggest piece of that crap. But I would try to be sneaky and would hope no one saw me build my dream 4x4 park:flipoff2: :beer: When it was done I would take pics of me wheeling. LMAO!!!!!!!!

PS. I don't even live in raleigh so why would i take ROCKS there. Funny idea and post but if you wanna get technical its all wrong.


:beer: good one dude..
Those are not rocks you numnuts. Look closer. Thats pieces of cement with rebar sticking out. THATS GAY:gay: I found REAL rocks and they are bigger than the biggest piece of that crap. But I would try to be sneaky and would hope no one saw me build my dream 4x4 park:flipoff2: :beer: When it was done I would take pics of me wheeling. LMAO!!!!!!!!
I thought you sold your Jeep?
But anywho, to the OP that was a funny ass post.