dpg feb 17th

thanks muddevils... had a blast as usual. should get some pics up soon.. thanks pj
Make sure you guys post the next ride at DPG I should have been there this time but the willys was not ready look forward to meeting some new friends to wheel with at the pumkin center proving grounds on march 10
Damn nice Jeep to be on the rocks......actually there were several shiny, undented rides climbing around Saturday. Good to see people willing to enjoy their nice rides.
I still want a Sami'...Thanks Geoff!:beer:

Hah, speaking of hood up we got on the road on the way back and the damn hood came loose flung up and said hello to the roll cage, now I have an F'ed up hood for no reason :shaking:

lol , that was too funny. we were cruising about 60m/h back to raleigh on 64 and we all hear the metallic [SLAP]! ...we all look around and there's the hood wrapped around the roll bar. ...oops :lol:

Thanks for the invite Devils. Lotsa great wheelin, and some very cool metal. Good times.

well wheres it at???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//