Drives me crazy!


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2013
I'm not an English teacher or anything, but when you make a post, could you at least make it readable? I understand shorthand for texting, but come on, some of you people write like you never finished 6th grade. If schools are this bad now days I'm thinking about home schooling my son. All I ask is that if you want someone to be interested in what you have to say at least use real words and put a period every now and then. Can mods not go in and delete these fools ads, or at least ask the o.p. to use actual words?
OK end rant!
I'm sure all the illiterate people will post: go f yoself u think u r better BC u can read and shit u can sux a dik u quer
When you the rant in an Australian accent, it is quite mate?
Hard sometimes to read it is. Bother to first read there posts some people do not.

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guess i am a member of the kuntry klub because not only do i not care if some one uses the wrong grammer or leaves out a comma i probably don't notice. just don't know why folks let something that don't make a damn bit of difference in their life drive them crazy. that stress is not good for you.
Witchdoctor you still dunn it wrong you used real engrish words. Its not so much the grammer or punctuation as it is all the chopped up shortened words and phrases. Its like trying to decipher apache or something. I guess I'm too stupid to read advance English subtitles.
I'm guilty of using way better grammar when I type than when I speak. I always use the proper there, their, they're, your, and you're though. It's easier to get a response when someone thinks you have enough sense to function in daily life.
Witchdoctor you still dunn it wrong you used real engrish words. Its not so much the grammer or punctuation as it is all the chopped up shortened words and phrases. Its like trying to decipher apache or something. I guess I'm too stupid to read advance English subtitles.
yea now that crap will make you scratch your head.
I blame the texting craze for alot of the abbreviation used in recent years and it will only get really makes no sense to spell and use correct grammer when texting if you can get your message across w less letters, but I still don't understand why the hell they can't just call and talk to peeps on the the damn phone they're texting on?...............Oh I remember's often free unlike cellphone calls.
but I still don't understand why the hell they can't just call and talk to peeps on the the damn phone they're texting on?...............Oh I remember's often free unlike cellphone calls.
That and because its a lot easier to get by w texting at work than talking on a phone.
I'm glad it bothers someone else. Those who say grammar and proper punctuation are a waste of time or not necessary are really just making themselves look ignorant. Go to a bank, or any "professional" environment and you'll get a much better reception if you show at least an effort at using proper English. Its one thing to be cuttin up with your buddies and using a ton of double negatives and sloppy speech in the shop or at the mud bog, but at least have the self respect to TRY to take some pride in using decent language skills to convey your thoughts both written, and in public speaking situations. Just my completely "Anal about English" $.02 Thanks for reading !
I'm glad it bothers someone else. Those who say grammar and proper punctuation are a waste of time or not necessary are really just making themselves look ignorant. Go to a bank, or any "professional" environment and you'll get a much better reception if you show at least an effort at using proper English. Its one thing to be cuttin up with your buddies and using a ton of double negatives and sloppy speech in the shop or at the mud bog, but at least have the self respect to TRY to take some pride in using decent language skills to convey your thoughts both written, and in public speaking situations. Just my completely "Anal about English" $.02 Thanks for reading !
as someone that didn't finish school and don't really know proper grammar and punctuation i take your statement a bit offensive. now when you mentioned the bank i just couldn't stop grinning and i'll tell you why. in the 90's i worked for one of only a few companys in the country that spliced fiber optic cable. was depositing between 2500 and 3500 dollars a week in the bank. it wasn't long before the bank manager would meet us at the door when we walked in so that we didn't have to wait for a window, we would get birthday cards and christmas cards.this went on for two years till i was no longer making that money. i don't think proper grammar had anything to do with it.
I don't think it has anything to do with money or intelligence, it's respectful of yourself and your audience to use basic proper English. I also don't think the OP was referring to a wayward comma. As someone who spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to most clearly and concisely explain how to build houses, schools, etc., I definitely think it matters. Besides that, consider if the magazines or news articles you read were written with a "who cares about grammar and commas" attitude? Would you pay money or spend your time reading that?
Witchdoctor, I meant no disrespect. Please note that in my original post I said " they make themselves appear ignorant" Having said that I have to say that if you are of my generation (born in '65) and schooled in a public school in the states then you were taught basic grammar, punctuation and usage in grades 1-6. I agree with trailhugger that it really has nothing to do with intelligence or money. I work with some amazingly unintelligent people who appear much smarter than they are merely because they use decent language skills, they have learned that that skill alone will advance them in the workplace.
Hell, I've met Hoop...he don't talk no gooder than I do! :gitrdun: :D
Yes my original post wasn't meant to say anyone is ignorant. I have no problem with grammar problems, as I know I don't always use proper grammar. What I was referring to was the fact that in some threads you have to decode what someone is trying to say. I guess it is because of all the texting going on, but does it really take that much longer to type out a whole word? I do most of my responses on here on my phone, but I still take the time to write out what in trying to say instead of using half words and whatever some of these guys write.
What bothers me is when teachers use Textlish like they are 12 year olds. I've seen notes from teachers with thx and yw. At least they are using their manners, but still. You teach the language, use it correctly.
What annoys me that I've heard straight from the teachers mouth is "Tomorrow the kids will go to the LIBARY for reading time." I'm sorry, but no my kids WILL NOT go to the LIBARY! My kids will visit the LiBRary! Don't tell me it's just Southern NC redneck dialect, and I would tell you that you are no better for saying that than speaking ebonics.
What annoys me that I've heard straight from the teachers mouth is "Tomorrow the kids will go to the LIBARY for reading time." I'm sorry, but no my kids WILL NOT go to the LIBARY! My kids will visit the LiBRary! Don't tell me it's just Southern NC redneck dialect, and I would tell you that you are no better for saying that than speaking ebonics.
Why didn't you just axe em what the libary were?
I'm not an English teacher or anything, but when you make a post, could you at least make it readable? I understand shorthand for texting, but come on, some of you people write like you never finished 6th grade. If schools are this bad now days I'm thinking about home schooling my son. All I ask is that if you want someone to be interested in what you have to say at least use real words and put a period every now and then. Can mods not go in and delete these fools ads, or at least ask the o.p. to use actual words?
OK end rant!
I'm sure all the illiterate people will post: go f yoself u think u r better BC u can read and shit u can sux a dik u quer

totes magotes
I find myself mentally editing alot as I read, but it doesn't really bug me. Not everyone can be as smart as I am...flipoff:. What does bug me is when someone is trying to sell a transmission and they use C6 tranZ...instead of C6 trans. Seriously, the effort would have literally, been the same. Awesome bruh, will that tranz make the bill on my hat flatter, or will that tranz make me more popular at the frat house???