
loose cannon

Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
I know we get a reminder via email when our membership is due I never look at my email:shaking: can it be set up through a pm as a reminder. also changed so it does not kick us off club affilations thank's
It's not supposed to kick you out of your clubs... but there's a bug I haven't tracked down that causes it to happen sometimes. What club(s) are you supposed to be in?

Pretty sure I can't get it to send a PM.
Yeah Shawn, it has happened several times over the last year and a half, since we started the RC area. I think Brian has the best idea, send a PM as well as a Email, or maybe when signing up, have a choice???
As said, thanks for looking into this for us
I rewrote the script that controls club access and the paid subscriptions expiration.

If you get removed from a club, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I did some testing on the 'new way', and it seems to work, but the 'old way' also works from my side... so I can't replicate whatever problem is causing people to get bumped.
Off topic a bit, but I do not use my email terribly often, any chance I can get a PM or something like that? I know I paid around april, and I plan to go with the longterm membership next time for easier use, but would hate to have this happen.
If you go to your User CP then click on Paid Subscriptions you can see when the Forum Subscription expires. I just keep a check on mine so I know when I need to pay again.