Durhamtown wants your input!


Active Member
Dec 18, 2011
Mike D asked me to post this up on other boards. As it says below post up comments here or email him directly. I'll try to facilitate the conversation or answer any questions as best as possible. Thanks in advance for your input! 8)

"Ok folks. here it is in a nutshell, What are the good the bad and ugly about DP that needs to change. Also as some of you know I am due to return back to the sand box here soon. When I come back well my future is unclear if I will still be working at DP. I would love to stay but with how some things are going I am not sure it would be cost effect for me to stay. So why I am still here and still might be able to make some changes give them to me. What do we do right, what do we need to improve on and what do we need to scrap and start over with. I am looking for straight answers dont beat around the bush. I have thick skin so its ok if ya bash me, but for this park to go forward I need your help.

If you want to post them here you can, or you can email me as well smokin099@hotmail.com

please help me spread the word on other offroad sites some i can get into to others I have been ban from.

Thanks so much and I will be seeing you all for the Fall Crawl..

Mike D"
honestly I thought it was awesome, now if only you could get rid of the dust
Best by far, or at least a tie with the flats. Bathroom is the only thing that would have been better. Then again, I had a hotel so...
x2 on the dust even tho we cant control mother nature.... i would have loved to see the lap times with no dust! my only complaint would be getting there thursday we had to pay to use the fourwheelers as pit bikes.... to each his own but we rode no trails etc...

but i loved the track!
Thanks guys! Anybody wheel there outside the ECORS race on all the 4x4 trails?
I was down there with a big group of Bronco's a few weeks ago and had great time. Some folks were surprised that you had to ride on the road to get to the trails. No big deal for everyone in our group, but as you know all trail rigs are not street legal, so this will be a problem for some folks. It's odd how things are split up into two parks that are actually pretty far removed from one another, but I don't know how much you could really do about that. One thing that you could use though is some place to park a tow rig/trailer for the folks who do need to trailer their stuff to the trail head. The maps are just plain bad, and the marking of the trails is even worse. A few times I did end up on what appeared to be ATV/bike only trails somehow and had no idea how I got there. There were things marked on the map that we tried to find, but we just couldn't make sense of it. I did have to winch a big tree that had fallen across the road out of the way at one point over in park 1. Not that I mind doing it, but it seemed odd that this tree would be across one of the major trail access roads; it was like nobody had been over there for a long time to even know it was down. The meal ticket thing at the restaurant is really wonky. If you're going to do meal tickets like that you have to give people some faster way to pay for them. It's ridiculous to have to stand there for twenty minutes waiting on people checking in for the trail riding and cabins just to pay for your hotdogs. Maybe at meal times you could have a second person working the counter and all they do is meal tickets or some variation of that. During the weekend you seem to have folks there at night, but that doesn't seem to be the case during the week. We got there Thursday night right at closing time. They pretty much handed us the key and left. Well, the key didn't fit our cabin, so we were locked out. Went back to the lodge and it was locked up tight. Nobody was around, and there is not even as much as a phone number posted to call if there is a problem. I ended up breaking into the cabin to sleep there that night since we had paid for it, but if it could have been bad if I wasn't able to do that. I know that it's not reasonable to have people there 24/7, but damn, ya gotta at least leave a contact phone number. Having said all that we still had a good time, but those things could use some improvement.
Oops, I was thinking about GAP. Durahamtown was my least favorite venue. The pit bike issue was a pita and staff was not that helpful. The dust sucked, but that was no fault of the track.