e-locker writeup


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2005
Getting ready to fork out the cash for a toyota 8" elocker 3rd for my runner. I was looked around on pirate but I'm kinda computer stupid but if someone could send me the link I would appreciate it. I need to know how to clearance the frount acxle for the e-locker.
I used this one when I installed mine.


If you are using it on the front you will need to do a couple of different things to the locker housing in order for it to fit with the U-bolts and springs.

one of the bolts that holds the motor needs to be ground down a bit to clear. And (on mine at least) I had to file the housing a bit to get a U-bolt to fit in properly.
Thanks for the help yaul.....I'm super happy on this
I'm getting e lockers frount and rear now....where can I find the wirring harnesses for them?
I havent had any luck finding the harnesses for them. Marlin has a harness from the locker to the fire wall (or somewhere. Still havent figured out where it is supposed to go). I have the ECU for the locker, but havent found a plug to fit it. I will probably make my own and og from there. I have a couple of write ups for wiring it if you need.
FOrgot to add a pic of my axle when I did the swap! :bounce: