The wolves that were introduced in Cade's Cove were wiped out by parvo. I had a nice talk with a park officer while there a few years ago.
I was very interested in the details as I had been to see red wolves on the coast.
The yotes here were not introduced purposely but came down the eastern seaboard from Canada over a few decades.
You are right, they are MUCH bigger than western yotes (which look like a good sized fox) and these eastern dogs run in groups.
Their vocalizations have some light howls but usually are yips and yowls.
I listened to them for about an hour Saturday night at our mountain place, they were having an orgy or a fight....
The blood baits are made with burlap, never heard of using sponges. It is a bad way to treat anything and only should be done when all other controls have failed.
But, that said I am not for having my pets eaten, I have been there...
I took this photo of a young mama bear in Cade's Cove.
She woofed at me and ran me away shortly after this.
She had 2 cubs.