ECU/ Greenville people?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2006
Who do we have on here around Greenville, or that attend ECU? It's a pretty heavy chance that I'm gonna be attending there this fall, so I'm seeing who wrenches on that side of the state.
Transferring in or starting at day 1? I'll be (or at least intended right now) going for mechanical design technology systems, which is in the sci/tech building, upstairs from the construction management. However, I will be going in at day 1.
the design courses suck just fyi and the profs barely give a rats a$$ in that dept. I did arch design there and was generally not pleased. I will however be going for a distribution degree also and maybe grad school if I can get the time. I wish I would have stuck with construction management. The profs are awesome in that dept and you will actually learn useful information. And yea theres no wheeling there so prepare to make long drives.
I live in Greenville now, but i'm about to buy a house in winterville so i can get away from greenville taxes.

Rob, what part of winterville do you live in?
just off of forlines road. turn west off of Memorial at the Harley Davidson shop. I'm down about 1.5 miles on right in a little neighborhood
I'm gonna be moving down davenport farm road, so that's pretty close to where you are. I'm making an offer on the house today. can't wait!
good luck on your offer. its a nice area. only problem is the traffic is getting worse. especially at the new 4 way stop sign at davenport and frog level. Too many people on davenport were complaining of not being to turn onto frog level. what do they do? they put up a 4 way stop sign. Now, they stop hundreds of cars and delay by 10 minutes to service about 10 cars that couldn't get out in a timely manner... I call and complain every week.

other than traffic, its a nice area.