Educate me on programmers...


Slow n easy when you're not gettin greasy....
Jan 12, 2009
Fort Mill / Indian Land SC
Hey guys, getting ready for the gear change on my truck and I am in need of a programmer to change the tire size and gear ratio in the cpu. Figured while Im at it, itd be nice to change the tune for towing or power to play around with. I dont want to spend too much though because I doubt I'll use it much, so edjewmuhcate me...

What do you use/have?

Any budget programmers worth a dang?

Do I really need one?

Truck Info : 2016 Ram Crew Cab. 5.7 L V8 8 spd trans.
Upgrading 3.21 to 3.92 gears
Upgrading from stock tires (approx 33") to 35x11.5
Your speedometer will read about 15% high. Since its not a turbo motor, a programmer isn't going to make that much difference. Get the cheapest thing you can find that will accomplish the gearing/tire change needs.
Lots of smartphone oriented stuff nowadays. I would look into that. You just need it for the items, so even a Chinese Bluetooth one would do I imagine.
HP Tuners may have support for that, so that's something to consider. Might could even squeeze a few more horsepower out of it too.