sorry about being 'snide'
My language is kinda shitty [stroke] so ill take that any day...
"After looking back at the whole rv thread, I'm guessing you're just going to be using this to dial in the transmission since it appears to be a P-Pump Cummins engine. If that's the case...what's the wiring/controller situation like? TPS input, some speed sensors, and the NSBU switch?
Will EFI Live tune an A40 MD operating system? Or would it require Allison's software?
I'm not sure exactly the end goal, so some extra info would help there, but I do know that flashing an incompatible OS in A40 TCMs can brick them.
Wiring/TCM/Base Programing - All NEW from [
Home | Transmission Tuner)
TPS input = Stock P-pump (NEW Napa, see pic)
Speed Sensors = Allison MD (Not GM) stuff. Although they appear the same sensors....
-- I don't have any light in the check trans. light
NSBU - Internal - I check that when rebuild it. All good
I am from HPTuner kinda guy.
So im looking for
Hey idi0t go buy this: [with a working link] It will do XYZ....
Don't buy this BECAUSE....ABC
The 'because' is important (to me)
- I read it on the interweb
- Because thats what the shop told me.....
- I don't know my step brother cousin did this....
Your one of the 'nice' persons,
i read your threads... what you do, things you do, how you do them etc...
Thank you, you have a
<--- at my fire