Energy drinks...

Which energy drink gets ya goin'?

  • Red Bull, I'm all about the coolness

    Votes: 17 25.0%
  • Full Throttle, gimme the big'n.

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Monster, I have no taste buds.

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • Rockstar, I like tasting puke.

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Jolt, I was energy drink when energy drink wasn't cool.

    Votes: 9 13.2%
  • OTHER, please explain...

    Votes: 23 33.8%

  • Total voters
Got some bad news for you guys that are drinking thsi stuff just for "the kick".
All of the "juice" is from caffeine.
Guess what. Per ounce, even the most loaded ones are about 2x a Coke or Mt Dew. Yeah, it's a lot - but... good ol' coffee still has more caffeine per oz.
Point - just drink a cup of coffee and you'll get the same thing w/o all the sugar. And it's cheaper too.
Got some bad news for you guys that are drinking thsi stuff just for "the kick".
All of the "juice" is from caffeine.
Guess what. Per ounce, even the most loaded ones are about 2x a Coke or Mt Dew. Yeah, it's a lot - but... good ol' coffee still has more caffeine per oz.
Point - just drink a cup of coffee and you'll get the same thing w/o all the sugar. And it's cheaper too.

exactly why the yager special double packet brew w/ hot coco gets the job done nicely....
Its funny, I drink an adreniline rush every day, and I can barely tell that I did. But I can really tell if I dont. Guess Im hooked.
Yeah but cocaine the energy drink was also adding a nice dose of MaHuang (standardizes for ephedrine)

BTW No energy drink (even one named cocaine) does the kick like the real thing.....just cant take it anymore
:bounce2:i prefer red balls...anyone who has seen that dave chapelle episode will understand
the only energy drink thats ever done anything for me is A.C.T...

its cheaper then most other energy drinks, comes in powder or liquid, and it doesnt leave you with that crash or hangover feelin either and lasts about 6 hrs, whether you want it to or not...

but its hard to find, so let me know and i can hook u up with a dealer....
A.C.T. = Aspirin Coc Tea?
Back in the day i used to be a big fan of KMX now on the rare occasion i need something i'll go for Redline from GNC
I've never tried this stuff, but if I ever see it I'll have to.

If you are busy enough and/or have enough drive to necesitate missing sleep then you probably don't need energy drinks. I had a biochem test this morning, my senior research project is due on thursday, i work 2nd shift along with other pertinent obligations... I haven't slept in 46 hours and still feel decent. I guess I've been conditioned though.
5 hour power it's the small bottle at the check out
works well just be aware of the vitamin b rush you will get
Kind of a alcohol malt beverage / energy drink mix, but I'm hooked on Sparks. ( The Sparks Plus is the best to me. It has Caffiene, Taurine, Citric acid and Ginseng. Like a good buzz finished off with a rush. Good AND bad for you at the same time. Only a buck 25 for a 16 oz. at local mart. But the kicker is the 7% Alcohol. One of these rascals after work and I'm gittin some chit done!