Engine Bright HD gel


Endeavoring to persevere
Sep 26, 2011
Rural Apex n.c.
.........nothing like some sprayed in your eye in the mornin o_O It bounced off a crevice and right back in my face and yes I have about 6 pairs of safety glasses, 3 in my truck but did'nt bother to put them on.
who needs coffee when you have engine bright to wake you up!
I forgot that along w my safety glasses.........I actually closed my eye really fast but a lil got in first, then I went to run water in my eye in the kitchen sink and washed more degreaser into my eye from the side of my face/eyelid. Had cloudy vision for a few hours but after 5 or 6 rinses it seems ok now and it's really clean, besides the redness:D
I'd recommend you hit it with that stuff that makes it shiny now. That's always the last step to a truly clean engine/eye.
Thats not how you clean the "sleep" out of the corners of your eyes
I bet the OP has that nasty, "I just cleaned my engine and the stuff is burning off smell."