Exhaust Leak Help

LR Max

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2007
Atlanta, GA
So I'm pretty certain I've got an exhaust leak at the header/cyl head connection. So I gotta pull all that off and put on a new gasket :mad:.

I know its not the manifold-to-downpipe connection. Already checked that and its good.

While I'm in there, I thought I'd put some sealant on the gasket to help prevent leaks in the future. Any suggestions on what to use? I kinda guess RTV isn't stout enough to deal with the extreme temps. Also I'd like to request it be something that can be procured at a generic auto parts store. I need to get this thing fixed ASAP.

Thanks for any help.
any manifold cracks? If you're working on a 4.0L Jeep engine, that would most likely be the culprit. If its a Landrover engine, I would have no clue.
"They" say no gasket sealer is necessary on the 4.0L, but i hear people use a light smear of copper gasket seal, avaialble at any parts store. You can even get it in a spray can
Rover engine. I recently did a top end rebuild and I guess I didn't put the gasket in right...or something (no exhaust leak before engine teardown so I know I f'ed up something).

I inspected the exhaust manifold. No cracks and these exhaust manifolds aren't prone to cracking.

Copper gasket seal? Thanks. I'll be picking some up soon.