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- Mar 24, 2005
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- Stanley, NC
Wifey is wanting to get one to store pictures on. We have a 250GB from about 6 years ago that is still working fine, but its about full. Whats the conventional wisdom these days?
Sure? But reviews are pretty terrible:
Based on the pricing, I'm betting it's a "green" drive inside the box. I've never had any luck with those. First one died in warranty. Replacement died outside of warranty. I vowed never to buy another. The 4TB Western Digital Black is $220 for a bare drive.
Going to bump this back up. Wondering if there's anything that has changed over the past ~4 years w/ how fast tech changes.
IT guy suggested I get one of these and said it's the only way to get my stored files off my old hard drive and on to a new one.
Going to bump this back up. Wondering if there's anything that has changed over the past ~4 years w/ how fast tech changes.
So, I'm leaving my job and I've got a shit ton of pictures on my laptop (saved over the years from the daily pictures daycare sends out via email). I've got a Seagate 2TB external HD now that I've had for probably ~7 years, but I plugged it into my laptop to start transferring shit over and I guess it wouldn't recognize the drive b/c nothing would come up. IT is definitely not my strong suit so I reach out to the on-site support IT guy at work and he said he'd take a look. Well, I take it over there and he goes to check the connections and the f'n twat waffle shoves the damn USB jack through and breaks it off (to which he then stated "well, there's your problem right there"). He then proceeded to take the whole drive apart and see if he could fix it and get it to come up on my machine but that's a negative ghost rider!
Long story short, I'm guessing I'm going to need to get another drive. The drive will come on when it's powered up (it has a power supply and USB power cord that plug into the back). He suggested just go to Best Buy and they should be able to transfer over and I can buy a new one there. Just looking for advice on what to do (i.e., go to Best Buy or...) and what to buy (e.g., another Seagate, WD, etc. and how big...is 2TB still sufficient today?). Also, sounds like I should probably buy 2, maybe 3, and save it all on each. For reference, I'm basically storing pictures/videos of the kids from over the years and a few other random Excel, Word, PDF type files. Not storing any music or movies so I wouldn't think anything too large (but again...I'm certainly no IT guru).
Below is a picture of what I have now (hopefully this gives a bit more info of what I'm working with). First pic is of the HD label inside the casing and second is the power and USB port that broke off (power port is black piece at bottom right and I'm holding USB directly below where it should be on the circuit board).
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View attachment 284886
Edit: IT guy suggested I get one of these and said it's the only way to get my stored files off my old hard drive and on to a new one.
I have trust issues with cloud systems and storage that I do not have physical and total digital control over. Call me old school, but I have my own reservations about cloud storage and things not under my direct control. If I personally were to use the cloud, everything, sensitive or not, would be crypted before storage.Cloud. Data is secure and backed up. You will never have to worry about that hard drive failing or connection issues.
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