Extreme Home Makeover Show-Lincolnton

rodney eppes

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
Mt.Holly NC 28120
In-case anyone wants to see the last regular show of Extreme, it's being aired, Monday night, 8pm,on ABC. This show was done in Lincolnton, NC, & the actors were told at that show it would be the last "Regular" show. Enjoy!
yeah i remember when they were here about a year ago....everybody and their brother went to go "help" but was just trying to get on tv and you can tell it too because most of the time they were just standing around talking getting in the way of everything and anyone who was actually being productive. They had a shuttle what would take you over to see the house too cause they had so many people just parking in the road to watch it be built.
RIGHT! When they did the first Home, in Charlotte,my Co. was contacted, about doing the Demolition. We were Big,before the housing bust! We volunteered [FREEBE], & even had another Co., ask, to assist us. We washed/cleaned up all the Trucks & Equipment,thinking of the exposure! Turns out they have Contract Sponsors, & aren't allowed to show any thing else! The camera angles,never show a Company name,& they even tried to tape up the name & logos, on our Equipment. We Got NOTHING, but a rush & hassle Probably Cost us $5000,or more. Rick Hendrick was going to give a New Chevy Van,but was refused, because Ford was the Sponsor. Two years later Extreme called us, to do another one. Boss told them where they could put their camera!
The thrift store the show set up for the family, to give away stuff to help those less fortunate, never did open.

In general this show is all SHOW & gives TOO much to people that do not have the capacity to handle it all. They'd be better off helping more people in a less sensationalized way.
They'd be better off helping more people in a less sensationalized way.

Exactly. I know most of the people that were involved with the show in Lincolnton since I am a remodeler in Lincolnton and the owner of the house they demo'd tried to give them a lot across the street and let someone else move into the house they knocked down. It wasn't that bad off. Also they were supposed to pay off the house before they knocked it over but that didn't happen so the Friday's are still paying a payment on that house. And she is having to still call people over to try and fix some stuff. They never sanded the sheeteock mud before they painted. It's just crazy no wonder they went off the air.
Exactly. I know most of the people that were involved with the show in Lincolnton since I am a remodeler in Lincolnton and the owner of the house they demo'd tried to give them a lot across the street and let someone else move into the house they knocked down. It wasn't that bad off. Also they were supposed to pay off the house before they knocked it over but that didn't happen so the Friday's are still paying a payment on that house. And she is having to still call people over to try and fix some stuff. They never sanded the sheeteock mud before they painted. It's just crazy no wonder they went off the air.
well yeah you gotta kinda expect that when theyre trying to give away a house and asking contractors to come in and volunteer while they could be out making money, i mean yeah if they agree then they agree but im sure theres a lot on situations like what rodney eppes talked about that goes on