Endeavoring to persevere
- Joined
- Sep 26, 2011
- Location
- Rural Apex n.c.
iAfter reading about Mike and Kevin? and recent strokes? I wondered if everyone knew the FAST method to diagnose a possible stroke? It's important to know because time is everything w surviving and recovering from strokes. I'm No Expert,
but roughly.....F is for face, ask them to smile
.....if one side of the face, lips, eyes droops or does'nt make a smile-call 911.......A is for arms, ask them to lift arms overhead.....if one droops or can't be lifted much
- call 911. S is for speech, ask them to repeat a simple sentence, slurring or any inability
- call 911. And T which stands for TIME and just like W heart attacks, Time between onset of symptoms and medical attention is of the utmost importance for best recovery . I don't personally know any of the NC4x4 crowd, but feel like I'd be friends w most if we did meet, and hope Yager and blkvoodoo? the best.............Edit. I would also add that anytime you see anyone you know well enough to think they're acting strange, no matter how drunk-stoned-had too much (pick another poison)-"has the vapors" etc.-FALLS DOWN-FAINTS-can't stand up, or suddenly acts very tired, sleepy or lethargic-not making sense w whats spoken. It's time for a FAST test.