Farm equipment on roads


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
So, I have built a little Willys for use at the family farm in Rocky Mount, NC. Our property is split over a large area and to get to it, you have to cross a couple of roads. This truck will not be registered or insured as of yet, its just to drag around trailers on the property and pull combines out of groundhog holes- they get big in the sandy soil down there. So, what is the law concerning driving this thing on the roads? Do I need to get it tagged as a farm truck or what? I dont really want or need to register it as such, but I want the freedom to putz around freely with it and not worry about the MAN. I see tractors down there on the roads with that little diamond sign, and little kids driving them. Obviously, not having a drivers license nor the tractor tagged. I looked around, but found only vague answers so far. Currently it does have lights, but no brake lights nor turn signals.
As far as I know, all you need is a reflective triangle. No highway use, but I was driving a tractor to the feilds 5 miles away when i was 10 and never was hassled.
I was told by the MAN that as long as its farm use and you have your orange triangle you can go down the road to get to another part of your farm. Out here we have gators,4 wheelers and everything else going down the road.
get the big orange triangle for the back... and id make sure it had flashers.... and i think as long as you go like under 25 or something itd be ok...

you dont need any of this though if you are just crossing the road from one part of hte property to the other
So, this little thing is still here with me in Suburbia, as I am still tweaking it. Can I do the triangle deal / flashers and run it up and down the block at <5 mph? Its obvious that its not a 'car', but its not a tractor either. Its just like a big 'gator'. Its just hard to work all of the bugs out in a 30 foot driveway. Not trying to bend the rules, just trying to make them work for me.