Farm Jack (High Lift)


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
Loris, SC
This is not a for sale thread, I don't sell these and am not trying to sell mine... hell i don't even have stock in this company...

I got a screaming deal at ASC (Aggri Supply Company) on a farm jack (similar to a high lift). It seems to be as tough as the others I've seen. The only minus is the handle isn't removable. Best of all the 48 in is only 34 dollars.

Just passing on a sweet deal.
probably the same as the harbor freight that can be had for $29.99

i love the cheap-o things, but most people dissagree from what I've seen....
The only thing that bothers me about the "farm jack" is the grade 0 hardware and the roll pins where the highlift uses solid steel pins. I've personally had a farm jack failure due to one of those little roll pins (jack was brand new). Others have had years of good use out of theirs. I think it's a crapshoot.
I just bought a farm jack from HF for $29 today! Used it to bend the front clip back up in my 4runner so the hood will finally latch. I've heard hi-lifts are rebuildable. Could you use the hi-lift part to rebuild a farm jack?
I just bought a farm jack from HF for $29 today! Used it to bend the front clip back up in my 4runner so the hood will finally latch. I've heard hi-lifts are rebuildable. Could you use the hi-lift part to rebuild a farm jack?
Don't know. They seem to be identical mechanically. I don't know about exact sizes of the parts. I will say those little roll pins I was talking about can be replaced with ones from a hi-lift. Or you can just take a long, skinny grade 8 bolt, cut it off and stick it in there in place of the pins. Now that I think about it, one or two of the farm jacks I've seen had solid pins not roll pins. Maybe it's because mine came from Northern Tool.:(
my HF farm jack had solid pins.... but they rusted really quick! what would be AWESOME would be to replace all roll pin things with 316 stainless replacements... along with all the other crap like the little handle/lever thing you have to smash with a hammer once things to start to rust...
my HF farm jack had solid pins.... but they rusted really quick! what would be AWESOME would be to replace all roll pin things with 316 stainless replacements... along with all the other crap like the little handle/lever thing you have to smash with a hammer once things to start to rust...

Just a side note, keep in mind that stainless is actually less strong than Grade 8 steel b/c of the lower carbon content to keep it from rusting. Not that stainless would be weak or anything.
I'd just spend 30 seconds spraycoating the pins.
I have the 48"....had to buy it when my stock jack got pretzled while helping a jeep at URE.
The dang thing is so long I don't really have a place to mount it in my zook.
On the plus will pick up one entire side w/ ease.....and could probably lift the whole thing.
