
New Member
Mar 12, 2006
Get back to my room at State, and my Xbox 360 is gone, along with powercords and the controllers:flipoff: :flipoff: :flipoff: ..fawking thieves piss me off..

Got a roommate? I am assuming your door wasn't broken down, and most people don't take the time to sneak their way in, so it was probably someone with a key...be that roommate, friend, dorm chief (or whatever you non-military times call em lol)

Either way, that REALLY sucks :gay:
door was locked when i left, i get back and its unlocked

shit man, that sucks then.

Do you guys have a deadbolt there? We dont have one and it kinda bugs me. Weve actually had our door kicked in by a real drunk football player here

I guess thats what you get though, living in the only all male dorm on campus...:shaking:
yeah we have a deadbolt and yeah i have a roomate, but he left this morning to go to DPG and swears he locked the door, so RPD is coming out to file a report, I did have an Xbox live account, anyway of tracing that? over here at UT.

probably get in touch with microsoft about it? Not sure...

only way i can see of people getting in, is the door wasnt "locked".

Someone had to have been watching to know when you were coming back. Id check your neighbors out.
did you have the code on the xbox on file. when i was at methodist college we turned all our valuable codes in on our laptops and xbox's and stuff. then when the pawn shops get it they will know its stolen etc...
naw, when i was living on campus at State, I had to register it, so its most likely still there, i also was thinking I could call Microsoft and if the fawkers got it plugged in to Live they can trace it.

The big thing at Clemson, was that freshman always mad copies of their dorm key and came back and fucked with the freshmen in that room next year.

Sure the keys were stamped Do not duplicate, but half the time the guy working the key machine at wally world was another student and knew the gag.

Hey have your folks check with their home owners insurance. I found out recently that mine covers kids belongings in a school owned room even if the are out of state..
When I was in school people would "accedently" walk into someone else's room looking for a third party. "Oh man does so and so live here?" Then a few weeks later something would get stolen from that room.
Previous pimple facers who used the room? Hunt them down, prosecute them, get them a criminal record so they never work for anyone! Ultimate revenge cause what they did was stoopid.
heres the problem, the room door was locked and the suite dorr was locked so i don't know what happened, most likely my roomate didn't notice that it was gone and went ahead and locked the door.
