Fiberglass Tubs???


Sep 18, 2013
Charlotte, NC
Anyone have god luck using a fiberglass tub? All I have heard are horror stories. I am looking at a fiberglass tub from JC Whitney but am hearing they do not line up and that nothing is right on them. Anyone know where I can get a good fiberglass or steel tub for a CJ5? Thanks!
I just finished a fiberglass tub swap on a cj7. I think it was a 4 wheeldrive hardware tub. Not to bad really, you just stab holes in it to bolt it to the frame using big washers on top and new bosy mounts on bottom. I tied the roll bar into tge body mounts too, but youll need some steel to span some body mounts. Plan on through bolting alot of stuff since tapping the glass wont hold up. The biggest problem i had was the inside linear doesnt leave room for the seatbelts and rollbar to bolt in like a steel tub. You have to run grounds to every electrical thing to. I hate jeeps and did this swap for a friend. If his heep didnt have so much rotted wiring problems i could have done the swap in 2 weekends including painting the tub and fixing all the usual jeep garbage.
I had a CJ5 with a 4WDH fiberglass tub. I always heard that their quality was better than others. I only had one issue with mine and that was the front frame mount on the tub just behind the firewall. Both sides split. But I just went back in with a steel plate between the tub and the body mount and it was fine. I also heard that you should not use body lifts on fiberglass tubs, and that might have been the root of the problem with mine cracking. The Previous owner installed the tub and body lift. I removed it as it looked goofy and figured it wasn't helping my issue with the cracking.

Other than that, I don't have any complaints about the fiberglass tub.... well eecept that when you work around it, you end up itching like hell!
I have CJ-7 with 4WDH fiberglass body, had no problems with it over the past ten years.
I would recommend a 4WDH body.