Finally Home

There was an event this weekend at The Flats and another at DPG. URE is open through December and there are always people going. Check the Upcoming Events section of the forum.

Welcome home and thanks for your service!
Welcome home, and thanks for your service.
Thanks and alot wheel year round but you may have to travel some to get somewhere to wheel.
Yes thank you for your service and welcome home.. just post when and where you want to wheel and people will show up.. alot of us are always looking for more rigs to wheel with..
Welcome home, come on out to the veterans ride on veterans day weekend at ure, check out upcoming evevnts. Well be glad to have ya!
welcome home and thank you for ur service....and hope to see ya on the trails
How late into the year does the offroading community offroad until till calling quits for the year?

Perry, the Carolina Trail Blazers never quit! :driver: We ride once a month, 12 months a year! We would be glad to have you, we have MANY sevicemen in our ranks both active and retired. Check out our ride schedule at and come ride with us anytime!
welcome home soldier! theres always somewhere to wheel, just depending on how far your willing to travel.
Glad you are home and thank you for your service Sir. Hope to see you at the Veterans Day Ride!
Glad you're home as well! Thanks for serving too! I thought there was a ride at The Farm in Lincolnton, but it looks like that has been removed.
Welcome Home and thanks for your service.