fj 40 lift


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
anyone have any idea of how to lift my fj40 CHEAP. Ive had a couple of tire kickers but no buyers so im going to lift it up and wheel it. I want to run at least 35's....thanks for any help.
spring over axle lift.

move the leaf springs to the top side of the axle. will give you approx 4 inches of lift. i think you can run 35s that way.

only thing is...your front axle will need whats called a "cut-n-turn" job to keep the pinion angle in co operation with the steering geometry.

there is not really a "cheap" way to do it.

best thing to for a bronco =) that already has 35s.
The spring over axle is the best way to do it, but can be expensive if done properly. A 4" spring under kit would be the easiest. I'd shop around for used 4" springs someone took off to do a spring over.