FJ40 - disc brake conversion???


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Norwood, NC
Looking into a disc brake conversion for my '75 Fj40. Found several kits available, also have found several "how to" links for using Toyota truck parts for the conversion. I have found an '85 truck axle for $100. Wondering if that conversion is worth all the work or not. Cruiser offers all the parts off an '85 Cruiser for $450.00. says that a rebuilt stock setup is just as good, I have rebuilt all my wheel cylinders & have fairly good brakes now, going to need new brake shoes soon & was wondering :rolleyes: if anybody has any thoughts before I start spending any more money on brakes?
I would definitely do the mini truck conversion - especially if you can get a donor axle for $100. The conversion is all bolt on except for a small amount of grinding you'll have to do to open up the knuckles for the larger birfs to fit in.

There are lots of good tech articles on the mini truck disc brake conversion for an FJ40 online, go to to see some of them.

You could probably sell the mini truck inner axle shafts, diff, and bare housing to recoup some of your money.
I'd be in for the housing and diff if you part it out.
The grinding - is it on the opening or on the inside? I had to use my Dremel to clean a couple places on the inside from when my birf busted the other weekend, I'm waiting on the felts & gaskets to put the driver side back togehter, ordered them from S.O.R. Got a used stock birf w/inner axle from for $50.00, then found the truck axle for $100 from my daughter's boyfriend's buddy. Guess I will buy it after the holidays, sounds like the way to go. I will check out the link to get more information on the grinding & tools needed. Thanks a bunch for the reply!!!
The grinding is on the inside of the "C" on the axle housing itself. Not a big deal, but I'd want to use something a little more substantial than a Dremel.
The grinding is on the inside of the "C" on the axle housing itself. Not a big deal, but I'd want to use something a little more substantial than a Dremel.

I have a small side grinder so I will use that. I'm going to go ahead get all my parts:bounce2: & probably will wait a while, since I just bought everything to fix it back stock, but at least I have the stuff for whenever I'm ready to do the conversion. I want to get my truck back together this weekend for one more trip to URE & have it ready just in case we get some snow to play in this year!!:driver: