Flat Belt for lathe ?


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
Hey guys I'm looking for a place to get some flat belts for my lathe. Is there any place local to Raleigh/Durham that might be able to help me out?

Any good online sites?


If you have a number it could be had here, yeah I am 3 hours away but I am sure the place will ship
ehhh.. i can get a measurment, not sure about a number. Its a vintage Seneca Falls, 10" STAR lathe circa early 1900s, the original is a old decrepid looking leather flat belt ill look at it in a few...

I appreciate the help !!!

Chip, ok dug the box of crap out, definitly not leather, a rubber coated fabric of sorts.. Luckily both delaminated when they broke so i could get an acurate measurement..

#1 1" wide X 36" x 1/8"
#2 1" wide x 60" x 1/8"

Any tips/leads appreciated...

Thanks JB, i've scoured the net for anything and while they arnt terriibly rare there just isnt a lot out there... I hope to document my progress. Its all new to me... :)

btw: here is the best site ive found so far, misc. old tool section but lots of good relivent info.. (saw a model A transmission on a lathe last week)


and some pics for those who may have missed them before.


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