Foam to go over interior cage


Knower of useless ZJ things
Sep 24, 2008
Where is the best (i.e. cheapest) to get foam to go over the interior portion of my cage so no one cracks their head or knee getting in and out?
Lowes hardware??
The real stuff call cv, doug herbert performance, speedway motors...
There is a place in Concord right behind the speedway, if you ever get down this way. Heintz Performance. They do me well and I'm just a walk in customer. Went to Herbert's once. Probably won't go back. They didn't even have the AN fittings I wanted...
Get the swimming noodles from walmart. You can be the rainbow of the trails :eek:
Take a play from Caver Dave - gather up a bunch of freebie beer cozies, slice 'em open. Classy.

What size is the tube? I'd think the fun noodle center hole is too small to fit well.
I used them on the Oh %hit handle on my 4Runner...
It would be cheaper to pad the occupants!
Terry, you have seen me, I already have plenty of padding, and your hot dogs don't help! :D
Heh Heh Heh You took the words right out of my mouth!
The real stuff is expensive. If ya can get away with it, try the foam pipe insulation from Lowes. Its charcoal gray and works OK for a crawler.

Also, try Armaflex pipe insulation. You can get it in multiple thicknesses and can even stack it to make it thicker. If you use the adhesive, it will stay in place really well
Hedgecock Racing on Hwy 62 on the Winston side of High Point. That's where I got mine. It was real cheap and I'd rather spend money near home. Call first to make sure they have it in stock.
Hedgecock Racing on Hwy 62 on the Winston side of High Point. That's where I got mine. It was real cheap and I'd rather spend money near home. Call first to make sure they have it in stock.
Its Horney town rd there slim..... about 1.5 miles from the shop.

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