O.k. Here goes
I used all #10 gauge wire,except the ground on the relay that is #12 gauge. The ground on the lights are strait to the frame directly below the lights, (less than 6 inches). The ground on the relay is about the same distance, it is on a factory body ground on the fire wall.
I used only 1 relay as it had 5 pins. The wiring is as such, on the relay #30 is strait 30a fused, #85 is to ground, # 87 has 2 terminals-1 to each light, and #86 30a switched power on toggle switch.
I don't know the wattage as the lights are used and were given to me, and the markings are worn off of the bulbs. There are only 2 lights on this circuit, except I have my gauge lights on the same toggle switch before the relay. Thanks for the help guys, were hoping to go wheeling weekend after next.