For 35xj

Awesome screename!
You should have asked about a group rate Dave. I need one and know about 3 other people too.
from what i've seen from you, i bet we could take up a collection to get you on the way:flipoff2:
Ghost-whats your side effect?
I have a slight phantom pain from time to time in the rightie. I was told this was possible side effect as well. Either way, its well worth not having to raise a mini-me.
Ghost-whats your side effect?
I have a slight phantom pain from time to time in the rightie. I was told this was possible side effect as well. Either way, its well worth not having to raise a mini-me.

I don't remember what it was called. Treated with an antibiotic and all was well. Problem was DR did not believe I had that particular side effect. It was a week of pain. I have twins so when wifes DR told us she could have triplets next if she got pregnant again... I was like: Sign me up!
just had it done on jan 14th this year was not to bad got a 3 year old little boy and a 1 year old little girl so was done with having kids. But take it easy I went to monster jam the next night and then to dpg the next am a little to much walking and had to pay with pain.
or charlotte
Now you can throw it up to your wife that you got fixed just for her. 6 years after mine my wife started the baby thing and I told her to find somebody she really likes and start over. Because I'm done making babies. Every once in a while she will watch someone else kids and then she is happy I had it done. yodaman88 the peas are for the swelling and bruising Emagine getting hit in the nuts with a 3 pound hammer twice. Thats what mine looked like the next day.
ouch not me I am mastering the pratice part besides I have to have a reason to settle down one of these days....